Jennifer McNiven, MBA, NBC-HWC, FMCHC

Since her first job at a young age, Jennifer has only worked for or with entrepreneurs. It’s not something she set out to do, but it has been a very prominent theme in her work life. Her experiences along with her own business acumen have led her to this point of being President at Aspire.

Jennifer’s exposure to organizational development more than 20 years ago sparked an interest in making businesses healthy – both in their performance and, maybe more so, for and to their employees. To this end she has developed skills in understanding the systems and its parts; how they work together; how to identify and make sense of underlying, root cause issues; and how to address them using the strengths of the organization and its members. 

Jennifer holds an MBA from North Park University and is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. She combines these sources of expertise as well as her ability to foresee organizational needs and build the right system or processes. She creates space for people to engage authentically, hears past the noise, takes strong thinking from multiple perspectives, and weaves it into the best solution for the client as an organization or as an individual.

Within Aspire, Jennifer leads the business of the business as well as leads the Coaching practice and participates in Strategic Planning services. 

Prior to Aspire, Jennifer’s career included positions in human resources, operations, and executive outplacement/development. She was the Executive Vice President of Aspire for five years before transitioning to the President role, although she has been with Aspire since its birth.

Jennifer has served on various boards of not-for-profits.

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